53. Auto Union

53. Auto Union


In 1935, the engine had been enlarged to 5 l displacement, producing 370 bhp. Achille Varzi joined the team and won the Tunis Grand Prix and the Coppa Acerbo. Stuck won the Italian Grand Prix, plus his usual collection of hill climb wins, again taking the European Mountain Championship. The new sensation Rosemeyer, won the Czech Grand Prix. For 1936 the engine had grown to a full 6 liter and was now producing 50 bhp in the hands of Rosemeyer and his team-mates. The Auto Union Type C dominated the racing world. Rosemeyer won the Eifelrennen, German, Swiss and Italian Grand Prix as well as the Coppa Acerbo. He was crowned European champion and also took the European Mountain Championship.  Varzi won the Tripoli Grand Prix, while Stuck placed second in the TRIpoli an German Grand Prix and Ernst von Delius took second in the Coppa Acerbo. In 1937 the car was basically unchanged and did surprisingly well against the new Mercedes Benz W 125, winning five races to the seven of Mercedes Benz. Rosemeyer took the Eifel and Donington Grand Prix, the Coppa Acerbo and the Vanderbilt Cup. Rudolf Hasse won the Belgian Grand Prix.

Original watercolour of Auto Union


  • Signed by the Dutch artist Giovanni Casander himself
  • Watercolour on art paper
  • Not framed
  • Free International Shipping
  • Size : 36 x 21 cm = 14.17” x 8.27”
  • Price : € 495,–


Prints of this watercolour

  • Limited Edition art print (100 pcs) € 49,– each, numbered
  • Shipping Europe € 15,– , worldwide on request



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